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August 04, 2023
Excerpt from The Feminist Crusades

This is probably the best summary of the feminist attack on our culture I have ever seen. Have a look and see what you think. It is the Intro to Frank Zepezauer's The Feminist Crusades book and will give you an idea of the book's content. It was written in 2007, long before many had awakened to the evil and one-sided nature of femimism.  Zepezauer refers to the essay by Minogue and if you are interested you can find that original essay here (2001)

The intro gives you an idea of how things got started and the damage they have done.  The remainder of the book details each feminist crusade and includes very detailed analysis.   Here's a listing of the crusades he includes:

Chapter 1  The Crusade Against “Sexist” Health Care  
Chapter 2  The Crusade Against Sexist Schooling  
Chapter 3  The Crusade Against Workplace Inequality  
Chapter 4  More Crusades, More Myths, More Bureaucracies  
Chapter 5  The Great Anti-abuse Crusades  
Chapter 6  The Witch Hunt Continues  
Chapter 7  The Crusade Against Sexual Assault  
Chapter 8   The Crusade against Sexual Harassment  
Chapter 9  The Crusade against Wife-Battering  
Chapter 10  The Crusade against Fatherhood  
Chapter 11  So?  
Appendix A  The Feminist Establishment 

It is truly an amazing book. 
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Referring to radical feminism’s huge success, Kenneth Minogue, a renowned authority on the nature and influence of ideologies, made an astounding declaration. He said that “the radical feminist revolution is nothing less than a destruction of our civilization…We are no longer what we were. The West has collapsed.”[1] 

Feminist radicals, Minogue continued, brought about this catastrophe by managing to impose on society a quasi-religious “fundamentalism.” It rested on the “false and eccentric assumption of male and female isomorphism” and sought to “create a totally androgynous (and manipulatable) world where men and women would become virtually indistinguishable.” At that point men and women would, it was believed, be equally distributed at every level in every field of endeavor both private and public. To help realize this brave new world they persuaded a significant number of educated, middle class women that such a goal represented what women in general desired. As Minogue observed dryly, these women succeeded, “(as they usually do) in getting what they wanted” which was to “replace achievement by quota entitlements.” Because the key to modern Western Civilization “is its openness to talent wherever found, the feminist demand for collective quotas has overturned the basic feature of our civilization.” 

In addition to rallying support from educated women, feminists were able to get what they wanted by maneuvering support from the government which has now become a relentless force “bent on destroying the autonomy of the institutions of civil society.” Consequently, “a network of powerful bureaucracies” emerged that brought “radical doctrines to bear on all areas of government concern.” Among them was the internal affairs of American universities which had previously enjoyed a high level of independence from political influence. However, coercion applied by feminist-friendly government agencies combined with intramural feminist demands often expressed “with almost samurai displays of fearsome aggression,” caused one university administration after another to yield. It was a surrender that betrayed “the trust in the scholarly vocation.” Most severely affected have been the liberal arts faculties which under the quota system–a demand for 50-50 equality–have admitted many women who are “indeed very able” and many “who are not” and “they have prospered by setting up fanciful ideological courses (especially women’s studies) which can “hardly be academic at all.” 

At the conclusion of his essay, Minogue said something equally astounding: that, for the most part, this highly destructive feminist achievement was “accomplished by stealth.” What many of us considered the noisiest and most visible of the 20th Century political movements was primarily a covert operation. Minogue illustrates this point with a concluding anecdote: 

There has been a revolution, then, but a silent one. It has taken place with such stealth, and so gradually, that people have become accustomed to it little by little. I am reminded of the famous Chinese executioner whose ambition it was to be able to cut off a head so that the victim would not realize what had happened. For years he worked on his skill, and one day he cut off a head so perfectly that the victim said: “Well, when are you going to do it?” The executioner gave a beatific smile and said: “Just kindly nod.” 

Such a dramatic essay inevitably provokes questions among the first of which is “How did radical feminists do it?” How could so few do so much to so many? If you gathered the hard core radical militants in one place, they would scarcely fill Yankee Stadium. Yet these few, these unhappy few, this band of sisters, have, in Kenneth Minogue’s opinion, caused the demise of Western Civilization, the cultural home of over a billion men and women most of whom never realized what was happening. If so, how so?  

We therefore confront a mystery whose solution can best be found by reviewing late 20th Century feminism’s tumultuous history. What first comes to notice is the fact that the feminist movement has not been one but many movements. Radical feminism is a totalitarian ideology. It sees a civilization corrupted at its roots by a tenacious evil called the “Patriarchy,” a male dominated system which assigns social duties and status according to gender, and it favors in all cases the male gender. Because this evil contaminates all aspects of society–the government, the church, the justice system, the educational establishment, the media, the kinship system, the moral code, social customs, rules of etiquette, the symbol and language systems, even the construction of the individual consciousness–all must be changed. Thus the feminist revolutionary army divided itself into specialized battalions each of which was commissioned to transform a particular aspect of society.  

These transformationist campaigns were conducted with such high purpose and moral fervor that they merit the name “crusades.” As Minogue indicated, feminist crusaders usually operated behind the scenes conducting intensive but little publicized lobbying campaigns to persuade–or subtly coerce—university or government or media officials to endorse their agenda. Occasionally however some situation arose–a high profile date rape case, for example, or the introduction of female favoring legislation–and feminists shifted their strategy and went public. At that point a particular crusade would flare out into a spectacular media event. Like an artillery barrage preparing for an infantry assault, the now intensified crusade would then lay down a fusillade of alarming statistics and impassioned rhetoric. You would then hear, for example, that “one out of four American women” had been raped as part of a “rape epidemic” which was an ongoing phenomenon in a “rape culture.”  

The connection between some desired legislation–such as reforms in sexual assault law to include “date rape” crimes—and the opening of a media bombardment was noted so often that observers began to see it as a characteristic feminist modus operandi. Christina Hoff Sommers, who in the mid-1990s emerged as one of radical (or gender) feminism’s most astute critics, reduced this M.O. to a simple three-sentence formula: “Do a study. Declare a crisis. Get the politicians worked up.” Christina Sommers could have added a fourth sentence: Establish or expand a bureaucracy. For in most cases the legislation that the “worked up” politicians passed set up a new female friendly government agency or fattened an existing agency.  

Feminism’s role in the exponential growth of government had been noted long before Christina Hoff Sommers and Kenneth Minogue called attention to it. In 1987, Michael Levin wrote in Feminism and Freedom about  the extent to which feminism has achieved its effects through the state, particularly unelected officials of the courts and the regulatory agency, and those elected officials most remote from their constituencies….It is not by accident that feminism has had its major impact through the necessarily coercive machinery of the state rather than through the private decisions of individuals. Although feminism speaks the language of liberation, self-fulfillment, options, and the removal of barriers, these phrases invariably mean their opposites and disguise an agenda at variance with the ideals of a free society…. Feminism is an antidemocratic, if not totalitarian, ideology.[2] 

Feminist agitation for bigger, more intrusive government was not, however, the only element in its transformationist methodology that was noted. In the early 1990s critics began to demonstrate the degree to which most of the numbers fired out in a statistics barrage were grossly exaggerated. Neil Gilbert, Professor of Social Work at the University of California, Berkeley pointed out that there was a “staggering difference” between feminist figures on rape–such as the one-out-of-every-four women raped number–and official government figures which placed the number at one out of every thousand. Professor Gilbert disclosed this grotesque discrepancy in a Public Interest article with a revealing title, “The phantom epidemic of sexual assault.” [3] With this exposure Professor Gilbert established himself as a pioneer in what would become a literary sub-genre, the debunking of feminist “advocacy numbers.” The term once had a neutral connotation referring to presumably accurate statistics distributed to advance a worthwhile cause such as eliminating poliomyelitis or feeding Third World children. With feminist usage, however, the term came to mean cooked numbers used to advance a partisan socio-political agenda. Advocacy numbers in this sense were either wildly inaccurate–one in four women raped instead of one in a thousand–or cynically decontextualized when, for example, feminists made much of the fact that girls attempted suicide more often than boys but neglected to report that boys more often succeeded in killing themselves, five times more often.  

Since feminists employed bogus advocacy numbers in nearly all their crusades, and since these numbers and the accompanying histrionic rhetoric were seldom vetted by an ever co-operative media, radicals were able to permeate our culture with an elaborate mythology which settled like a thick smoke screen between our media shaped perceptions and the reality of our public and private life. In short, the answer to the question Kenneth Minogue raised about how so few could hurt so many could be reduced to two words. They lied.  

But why and how? What was there about radical feminist ideology that encouraged so many intelligent, well educated women to employ mendacity and deception to advance their cause? Most of their advocacy numbers were extracted from “advocacy research” conducted in the academy which as far back as 1970 had become a feminist power base. What does this tell us about the radical feminist approach to science and scholarship and what does this tell us about the ideology that governed that approach? Feminists got things wrong so often and so badly that questions inevitably arose concerning their ideologized “consciousness” which, they often boasted, had been suitably “raised.” And once questions were raised about an ideology presumed to explain all of reality, further questions immediately followed, whether for example such a comprehensive ideology was in fact a religion. If so, had radicals and their liberal allies succeeded in driving traditional religion out of the public square while covertly admitting in its place a quasi-religious ideology?  

Such questions press forward when you view the proliferating consequences of the feminist crusades which suggests that the best way to find answers is to take a closer look at the crusades themselves: how they started, how they were conducted, how they added to feminist bureaucratic power, and how they helped feminists vandalize our culture.  
1. Kenneth Minogue, “How Civilizations Fall,” The New Criterion. April, 2001. 
2. Michael Levin, Feminism and Freedom (Brunswick, NJ: 1987) p.2  
3. Neil Gilbert, “The phantom epidemic of sexual assault” The Public Interest, Spring, 1991, p. 54 to 65. g --

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February 19, 2025
Milei Calls out Feminists at WEF

There is a marked shift in tolerance of woke ideology and of feminism. People are starting to wake up. This short clip features Argentina’s President Javier Milei’s recent remarks to the WEF where he called out feminists and woke ideology. In the first half of the clip he explains how the social justice movements have robbed western cultures. He then focuses on feminism and clearly states they are not about equality but are about privilege. Well worth it to see the entire speech and I will leave a link below for anyone interested.

When officials like Milei speak the truth it gives a green light for others to voice their concerns about feminism. Thank you President Milei.

February 14, 2025
What the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You About Valentines Day

Poking a little fun at Valentines Day….

February 10, 2025
Super Bowl Ads Less Male Positive?

Some of the ads for the super bowl were misandrist messes. Here’s an example. Please use the comments to point out the many ways this ad is anti-male. Please also offer links to other commercials that were anti male and I will add them to the post.

February 07, 2023
The Way Boys Play and the Biological Underpinnings

My apologies for the last empty post. My mistake. Let's hope this one works.

Tom takes a stab at using the podcast function. Let's see how it goes.

The Way Boys Play and the Biological Underpinnings
May 13, 2022
Boys and Rough Play

This is a short excerpt from Helping Mothers be Closer to their Sons. The book was meant for single mothers who really don't know much about boy's nature. They also don't have a man in the house who can stand up for the boy and his unique nature. It tries to give them some ideas about how boys and girls are different. This excerpt is about play behaviors.

Boys and Rough Play
February 16, 2025
Grooming Gangs Scandal - Janice Fiamengo

This is yet another excellent post by Janice Fiamengo that exposes the motive of feminists who ignored the horror of the rape gangs in Great Britain. Why would they do that? Janice is unmatched in her ability to unearth and articulate the truth that is so often missed by most. -

February 13, 2025

Probably the way it happened, lol

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February 09, 2025
Super Bowl Ads - Will they be more male positive?

I have heard that the Super Bowl ads set to play this year are going to be a little more male positive. This one, an ad for Google phones, shows a dad dealing with his children and seems to show him as loving and effective in his parenting. What do you think? Happy Super Bowl!

22 hours ago
The Simpfection
guest post from The Red Pill Philosopher

Many thanks to the Red Pill Philosopher for this post titled The Simpfection.


The Simpfection

I moved to Canada in 2008 in my early 20s. I spent my first few years in discovery mode, figuring out how things work—how to conduct myself and compete for jobs, how to deal with the cold, and how to meet decent people. However, when it came to women and relationships, something seemed off. I was never able to put my finger on the problem back then, but after so many years of all kinds of relationships (friends-with-benefits, marriage, girlfriends, etc.), things became clear to me. I always asked myself why most of my relationships ended in the same way. I thought maybe I wasn't cut out for relationships—until I met people from the other side of the world. I saw how women respected the authority of their men, cherished their masculinity, and supported them unconditionally in both bad and good times. I am not talking about rich, powerful, or even good-looking men. I am talking about normal, hardworking men.

See, in the Western world, especially in North America, you, as a man, must fit into one of two profiles to have a bit of a long-term relationship before your modern woman checks out on you, cheats on you, or files for divorce. Either you are rich or powerful, and in that case, she will accept your authority because you simply have something to justify your leadership—and you have money that she can take from you later on—or you are a simp with a decent job, which will get you the relationship but not the authority (unless she is part of the obese population who can barely get a man to look at her). If you are a normal, hardworking man who demands respect and has his own thinking and strong character, then not only will you not be respected like a powerful man would be, but you also won’t be able to have a good long-term relationship to begin with. This is because you simply don’t have the power or the money to deserve authority, and you aren't a man without character who could be easily controlled by a woman like a simp.

How did it come to this? If you go and check out the Red Pill society and the manosphere, you will think that women are to blame. They do have a point, but the truth is a bit more complicated than that. Would you blame the lion for eating you if you opened the cage and stared at it? Did Western women wake up one day and inherit all the power in society from men? Nope. Not only did men relinquish their authority to female manipulation and emotions, but they also were fine with watching their own sons being raised as little simps with no knowledge of how women operate. They are raised to think women are everything sweet and peaceful, that women cannot commit a crime, and if they do, it is mainly because a man drove her to it. They think being a "gentleman" means being manipulated and controlled by a woman—to live under the authority of her tumultuous emotions and manipulation. But being a gentleman means acting courteously and respecting a woman who deserves respect. It means protecting and providing for your woman, and in turn, she respects your authority and your opinions, even if they are not in line with hers.

When are men in the West going to stop pandering to women? And not only to women, but to modern-day “strong and independent” women with a "100-body count" under their belt, along with all kinds of STDs, kids, a bad, arrogant attitude, and total emotional damage? Are you that thirsty, my dear men? Are you willing to forgo all that, including your own peace and authority? You cannot enable bad behavior and then ask why women act like that. A woman who manipulates men for fun should end up alone. A woman who sleeps with countless guys should end up alone. A woman who wants to emasculate and control her man because she makes more money than him or because he is not rich enough for her should also be alone.

Things will never change, and they will keep going downhill if men keep simping for women while thinking that is how a gentleman should behave. One day, your son might be destroyed by a woman because you were too weak to call out the women in your life for their behavior and decisions. Your thirst for female companionship and sex turned you into a simp, who then became a father to another simp, who was destroyed by being a simp. It is like an infection, and you can see it all around you. It is the Simpfection.

The Red Pill Philosopher


The Red Pill Philosopher is a passionate advocate for men's rights. He is committed to raising awareness about issues such as father's rights, radical feminism, female nature, the challenges men face in family courts, and the growing gender inequality in almost all aspects of society. He seeks to empower men to reclaim their voice, their god given role in society, and stand up for their rights.

[email protected]

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February 17, 2025
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13 Steps to Make America Male Friendly Again

13 Steps to Make America Male Friendly Again

President Trump is moving quickly to dismantle DEI initiatives and root out waste and fraud. However, if he truly wants to restore America's greatness, he must confront the deeply embedded misandry in our culture. Some of this stems from feminist-driven legislation and bureaucracies that have taken hold and harmed men, children, and families. Other aspects reflect long-standing societal biases against men. To make America a place where men and boys can be respected and truly thrive, the following changes are essential:

1. Get Fathers Back in the Home

This should be the top priority. Many feminist-driven policies have directly or indirectly pushed fathers out of the home. The research is clear: when fathers are present, children benefit. When fathers are absent, the risks increase including—bullying, being bullied, high school dropouts, early pregnancy, suicide, rape, job failure, low empathy, delinquency, substance abuse, and more. A strong nation depends on strong families, and that means ensuring fathers are in the home.

2. Reform the Family Court System

Family courts are deeply biased against men, often unfairly forcing fathers out of their children’s lives. This creates chaos in families and society. The government has no business micromanaging personal family affairs in ways that harm fathers and children. A major overhaul is needed.

3. Overhaul the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

VAWA is one of the most anti-male laws on the books. From start to finish, it assumes men are perpetrators and women are victims, ignoring male suffering and abuse. Even eliminating DEI won’t fix this problem—it’s baked into the law. Dismantling or a serious rewrite is necessary to ensure fairness for all.

4. Restore Male-Only Spaces

Men need places where they can gather without women, just as women have countless female-only clubs and organizations. Yet men’s spaces have been systematically dismantled. Just one example is The Boy Scouts, once a proud institution for boys, now admits girls. It’s time to bring back environments where men can simply be together as men without the presence of women.

5. Give Men a Say in Reproductive Rights

Right now, men have zero legal rights in reproductive decisions—yet they are financially responsible. “Her body, her choice” often translates to “his wallet, her choice.” Men must be included in these conversations and given some level of reproductive autonomy.

6. Make Mental Health Services Male-Friendly

The mental health field is overwhelmingly female-dominated, and the current system fails to understand male psychology, for instance how men and boys process emotions and heal from trauma. Instead of treating them like “defective women,” the system must adapt to better serve male needs. A compassionate, informed approach is long overdue.

7. End Paternity Fraud

A number of men unknowingly raise children who are not biologically theirs. A simple and universal, low-cost paternity test at birth would eliminate this issue and ensure that both parents know the truth. It’s a basic matter of fairness.

8. Make Schools Boy-Friendly

Schools are designed for girls. They offer inadequate recess, female-dominated teaching staff, and a curriculum that doesn’t engage boys. Research shows that many teachers unconsciously favor girls, particularly at risk are active, playful boys. We need educational reforms that support boys’ learning styles and natural energy.

9. Ban Routine Male Circumcision

Female circumcision is outlawed in the U.S., yet male circumcision remains the most common surgical procedure. This unnecessary and harmful practice permanently alters a healthy baby boy’s body without his consent. It’s time to ban routine circumcision unless medically necessary.

10. Address the Male Suicide Crisis

Men make up the vast majority of suicide victims, yet society largely ignores this crisis. Male suicide rates have been higher than female rates for centuries, and still, no one blinks. It’s time to take this issue seriously and find real solutions.

11. Improve Workplace Safety for Men

Men account for 92% of workplace deaths. Job safety policies must acknowledge this reality and prioritize protecting men in dangerous professions.

12. Close the Men’s Health Gap

Men die five years earlier than women and also die earlier from nine of the ten leading causes of death. Yet the government spends more money on women’s health and research. There are 8 federal commissions for women’s health and none for men. This imbalance must be corrected.

13. Crack Down on False Accusations

False accusations ruin men’s lives—financially, socially, and emotionally. Reports suggest that some family law attorneys even encourage false accusations to secure child custody. The phrase “Believe all women” has fueled an environment where men are presumed guilty without evidence. Stronger penalties for false accusations must be enforced and compassion and services for the falsely accused need to be available.

If America wants to be great again, it must be a place where men and boys are valued, supported, and treated fairly. These reforms are essential for restoring balance and strengthening families, communities, and the nation.

Please use the comments to add issues I may have omitted. Men Are Good.

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February 03, 2025
Domestic Violence Services in Wisconsin - Do they serve men? PART 2
Wisconsin Law Requires Arresting Men Regardless of Who Perpetrated the Violence

Part 2 – Wisconsin Law Requires Arresting Men Regardless of Who Perpetrated the Violence

Daniel Carver

Wisconsin State Statute 49.165(2)(f)9.
“Award a grant in each fiscal year to the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence toward the cost of a staff person to provide assistance in obtaining legal services to domestic abuse victims.” Since the domestic violence (DV) shelters serve only women, this means that the taxpayers are funding paralegals (often working in the Department of Justice) to assist women through the maze of family court; while the men receive zero legal assistance. This is an amplified ex parte legal system long before the case gets to a judge for adjudication. Guaranteed ex parte in every case, written into the state statutes!

During my divorce proceedings I filed an ex parte request to the judge in hopes of being heard and understood but that did not happen. Ex parte in Wisconsin is only for women. Equitable due process for all? The government is providing free legal assistance only to women while men have the legal deck stacked against them. In my case a government paid official, the (Director of the Child Support Office) literally wrote the legal contract herself and it was no secret that the government was writing it, to favor my ex-wife, and then my legal options were to pay half a year’s salary in legal fees to an attorney to fight for me; or sign this document. This is systemic corruption beyond draconian and is anything but fair or just.

Digging further into Wisconsin statutes, I finally found the law that gets men arrested whether or not they caused or started the domestic violence! I could hardly believe I was reading it, but it’s true.

Wisconsin statute 968.075 (1)(e)
““Predominant aggressor” means the most significant, but not necessarily the first, aggressor in a domestic abuse incident.” [Effectively, this means the larger person that is stronger gets arrested – ie. the man]

Wisconsin statute 968.075 (2)
“Circumstances requiring arrest; presumption against certain arrests.”

Wisconsin statute 968.075 (2)(a)2.c
“The person is the predominant aggressor.”

Wisconsin statute 968.075 (2)(a)2.(am)
“it is generally not appropriate for a law enforcement officer to arrest anyone under par. (a) other than the predominant aggressor.” [Effectively, this means the officer may not arrest the woman because that would be inappropriate since she is a woman!]

Wisconsin statute 968.075 (2m)
The predominate aggressor once arrested may not be released without posting bail or appearing before a judge.

Wisconsin statute 968.075 (3) Law Enforcement Policies (a)
“Each law enforcement agency shall develop, adopt, and implement written policies regarding procedures for domestic abuse incidents. The policies shall include, but not be limited to, the following:” I wrote many sheriff’s offices and police departments asking to see their written policy on domestic abuse incidents. Most refused to give me a copy. A few did and these policies varied widely between jurisdictions. No authority to arrest a citizen and require bail should be under the authority of a local “policy”; especially not when written by the agency that is also enforcing the law! That’s corruption. Checks and balances in the three legs of government? Arrests should be made according to a state or federal law, not some local policy. Moreover, a law should never pass it’s legal authority down to a local policy, and especially a policy written by officials that were never elected ! This is the type of thing you would see in a communist government of totalitarian authority.

But wait, it gets worse in Wisconsin:

Wisconsin statute 968.075 (4) Report Required Where No Arrest “If a law enforcement officer does not make an arrest under this section when the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a person is committing or has committed domestic abuse and that person’s acts constitute the commission of a crime, the officer shall prepare a written report stating why the person was not arrested. The report shall be sent to the district attorney’s office, in the county where the acts took place, immediately after investigation of the incident has been completed. The district attorney shall review the report to determine whether the person involved in the incident should be charged with the commission of a crime.”


Notice that it says “the person” (singular) involved in the incident. The law does not even allow the officer to say that the incident was caused by both partners and that they should both be investigated! The district attorney may only investigate “the person”, which, for all practical purposes….. is the man.

If the reader is questioning these things, I challenge you to ask some retired law enforcement officers to speak off the record about some of their stories when they were required to enforce these draconian laws against men. I have talked to them, and the injustice is well known on a practical level by officers, yet they must go by the law and enforce said law; whether they think it is fair or not. The officer doesn’t write the laws, only enforces them.

So I decided to try to get involved with and attend a meeting of the Governor's Council on Domestic Abuse (driving three hours to the meeting place). I had to ask many times to even get them to email me a meeting notice, then I had to ask often again to get an agenda to those meetings. I attempted to get on their agenda and of course was told no.

You’ll notice on their website, the next meeting date is not published yet. By law in Wisconsin a public meeting must be announced, so this council (90% women) even says on the website they will post a notice 24 hours before the meeting. This seems to be for the purpose of preventing accountability from citizens attending. Why else would they not plan public meetings in advance and publish their time/date/location? Why else would they give only 24 hours notice on a regular basis each month?

They even write out the excuse on their website that meetings can’t be announced in advance due to “unforeseen issues”. These “unforeseen issues”, never described, happen every month like clockwork. So they are not breaking the written law when they announce 24 hours in advance, but they are definitely breaking the intent of the Wisconsin open meetings law. To the Governor's Council on Domestic Abuse, 


I offered to volunteer in service as a council member since I was a domestic violence victim.......... you might imagine that their answer was no. I discovered this council had a subcommittee like a task force, on the topic of access to services ! I went to that meeting to point out that my local DV shelter had employed 100% women as victim’s advocates and should also offer services by male DV advocates.

The council’s subcommittee meeting I attended had a prominent speaker, the Director of End Abuse WI. She was there to convince them to issue another 2 million dollar grant so I looked up the grant invitation and it was written such that only large organizations could meet the grant requirements and of course this End Abuse WI organization was large enough to qualify for this grant. The grant proposal invitation itself (Written by who? I have a suspicion) prevents small community based organizations from receiving any of the available dollars.

The entire Governor’s council subverts an open and fair process so they can funnel big money to the feminist shelters that discriminate against men. Many of the shelters offer public classes, paid by tax payers, in how to be a feminist, some avoided that word, others used it boldly in the title of their tax payer funded class that is offered free to the public – women only of course.

To show the full circle of feminist corruption in tax payer money; consider this hallway conversation. This is when the systemic corruption became so clear to me. As I left the meeting of the subcommittee of the Governor’s Council on Domestic Abuse; I stopped the Director of End Abuse Wisconsin in the hallway to tell her I’d learned of the law that required arrest at every incident and how it was really a requirement to arrest the man. She said to me, "No, it doesn't say that.  I know because I wrote it."


So what’s really going on is the 35 DV shelters in Wisconsin, non-profits, violate labor laws by hiring only women; and these shelters openly tell you on the phone they don’t accept men. They are seemingly directed covertly under a state wide umbrella organization called End Abuse Wisconsin that is also essentially a taxpayer funded organization; only without financial reporting requirements. I can only imagine what are the annual salary and benefits of the Director of End Abuse Wisconsin.

In her own words, she literally wrote the state statutes. Those statutes require men be arrested at every incident! This systemic corruption network controls and limits access to the Governor’s council meetings (I never saw anyone from the governor’s office attend). It is in those meetings that this council of almost all women, make recommendations to the governor’s office to fund this DV corruption network and arrest the men that have said stop to their abusive wife or girlfriend.

They also, rightfully, arrest the men that are perpetrators of violence against their spouse. But the men that are victims of their wife’s violence get unjustly thrown in jail along with the wife beaters! This is the definition of gender apartheid.

All this is funded by federal money coming from Washington DC, allocated by federal law, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). That law, written in 1994, was enacted upon the false myth that domestic violence is always perpetrated by the man. For decades now, the DV experts in the field openly describe the 50/50 nature of DV perpetrated by both men and women (roughly half of the time). Rigorous academic research clearly shows the 50/50 nature. Yet the false myth continues due to gynocentric legislators writing gynocentric laws.

The Governor’s council in Wisconsin is within the executive branch of government. Note that the “domestic abuse incident policies” are written by the Department of Justice that is enforcing said policy – which has the authority of the state law and requires arresting the man. What is happening is that the legislative branch of Wisconsin government requires the man be arrested under whatever “policy” is written by someone whose qualification is that they can use a word processor and were hired by an HR department. There is no approval of said policy, and these documents are not even publicly available on any website ! Imagine a law written that was never given to the public to read ! That’s what’s going on with these policies.

I knew that police officers have a very difficult job and do not get paid near enough for the risk they take in keeping our communities safe. They must be prepared to respond to a myriad of various life threatening scenarios such as bomb threats, active shooters, car chase run aways, chemical spills, heart attacks, child abuse, armed robberies, drug overdoses, car accidents……… the list is endless. Specific training in each situation is very helpful to these officers and they naturally desire more training in every area.  I would want more training too if I had those huge responsibilities for the very lives of the people I served.  

Officers are usually employed by small municipalities that have very small training budgets. So I contacted my local Chief of Police an made him an offer that I expected he would not refuse. Dr. John Hamel is likely the highest qualified person in the country on domestic violence (Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal: Partner Abuse). Dr. Hamel offers online training classes in domestic abuse which are popular with law enforcement departments and social worker offices.

Uniquely, Dr. John Hamal teaches the truth from thousands of academic researchers around the globe. That truth is that domestic violence is just as likely to be initiated by a woman as it is by a man. Just listen to his personal research from the 1990’s on what the wives in divorce courts told him in person: John Hamel, Ph.D., LCSW - Domestic Violence Expert in the CA Court System

Knowing that he taught the truth that dispels the myth of men being the only cause of DV, I offered to pay the tuition for Dr. Hamel’s online class for a local officer who wanted to take that training and get the DV certification. I’d hoped to pay for one of these each year. I expected to have officers rolling dice to see who get’s to take the free online training class in domestic violence.

But the Chief of Police had to first get approval from his boss. Wisconsin’s Deputy Attorney General at the time, a woman, declared that she would not allow her officers to get online training, that she required the training to be in person only; training only by her! She is a lawyer. Officer trainings should be by someone that is or has been an officer, counselor, or social worker.

After this, I was finished trying to change the system. It’s beyond draconian and deeply engrained corruption. I tapped out of this labyrinth of DV services requiring men be arrested no matter what happened. You can’t change an organization, or state laws, from underneath those in charge, especially when they are extremist feminists.

I am copying Wisconsin Senators Ron Johnson and Tammy Baldwin on this letter (anonymously) so that hopefully they will take action. Senator Johnson voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in March 2022 The federal VAWA is what funds most all domestic violence
shelters around the nation.

In Part 3, I give some practical ideas for how we can make improvements and get legal equity for all.

Calling for reforms to achieve true justice for all, kids too,

Sincerely, Daniel Carver

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